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What Is Google AdSense (For Beginners)

Google adsense

Even after using the internet for years, many people are there who don’t know about Google AdSense but that’s not an embarrassing thing as many of us don’t know different things. So! To answer this basic yet important question that tickles the mind of millions, but remain unanswered, we gathered some detail about this giant network to simplify it for our readers so that they can better understand about this very successful venture of Google Inc.

In few words, AdSense is one of the most popular and successful CPC Network (Cent per Click/Impression) that is quite famous in cyber world especially in blogosphere. Every aspiring blogger wishes to get approved by AdSense due to its lucrative rates and high earning potential as it is the leading monetizing programs among all the popular ones.

History and Earning Statistics:

So this whole thing started out 11 years back in 2003 when Google purchased Blogger in 2002 and while noticing a huge number of people, attracted to start a blog, that use Blogger so they saw an opportunity to take the advertising industry at the next level. Since then AdSense is running successfully after completing a decade long journey.

As this program is increasing day by day, the earning stats are also going up that means not only Google Inc. but also the people who are connected with it would earn more if it keeps on increasing. In the first quarter of 2014, AdSense made around $3.4 billion USD that is 22% more of its last quarter’s earnings figure.

Still Don’t Understand What It Is?

OK! Let’s put it in even simple way. If you own a shop or some kind of property that is along the main road where you face huge traffic all day long and anyone asks you to use the front of your roof top to place some banner and in return, he offers you some amount of money. Now put it in this way, the property we talked about earlier is your blog and the front space is the content you published on it.

Now it could be informative articles or celeb’s latest buzz, doesn’t matter, and Google (advertiser) ask you to share a small space to place ads on your blog and in return, you get paid for displaying that advertisement to all the people who visit your blog.

How does it Manages to Pay So Many People?

Exactly! Every normal person would ask first that how could this corporation pay so many people from its own pocket. But the point is, it is an advertisement program in normal language, if we put of CPC Network tag from it, which confuses many people. It works as a middleman between a publisher (blogger) and the advertiser.

It charges a specific amount for running a campaign to the advertiser and then pays a percentage of that amount to the publisher who displays the advertiser’s content/website whatsoever. So this is how it manages to pay off all these millions of people every month and earns its own profit.

How Can We Earn Through AdSense?

That’s simple! You just need a blog/website with useful content that people search and read. After that, you should be following all the terms and conditions set by Google AdSense in order to participate in it. Just fill the application form and wait for a day or so to answer them back to you through email. If they approve your application, then congratulations but if they don’t then you don’t need to worry about it as you can always reapply to them after reaching that level of acceptance and fixing the error.

Is There Any Participation Fee To Join The Program?

Nope! AdSense is free of cost and they don’t charge you, me or anybody, for joining them in and earning with them. All you need to do is produce some useful content that is under their terms to stay away any notice and start enjoying your earning. That’s it!

This was a little introduction to Google AdSense to clear the basic concept of those who are newly starting out their online journey. However, there are plenty of articles regarding AdSense on this website that further brief this term in a broader way. Just purchase a domain and hosting and start your blogging career with AdSense approved on your blog.

Do share your useful tips to help your fellow readers and recommend anything, you think, should be added in this post.

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