As a business owner, you’ve probably heard plenty about Search Engine Optimization or SEO. In an age where having a website is often considered more important than a physical brick and mortar store, SEO can be the difference between success and failure. Think about it – you have a beautiful website and a well-priced product range. But, how do you get customers to find it? SEO is the answer. It boosts your search engine rankings and brings your website to the first page of a search result. There are many agencies that offer SEO services in India. Before you sign a contract with any of them, here are a few things you should know.

Good SEO agencies do more than just ‘increase rankings’

As a layman, you may look at SEO as a way to improve your website’s ranking but this is a vague goal that doesn’t mean much. If the SEO agency uses similar terminology, you’re probably not looking at the best option for your business. A good SEO agency will help you set more defined goals like an increase in the number of signups or organic revenue. The aim is to get people to find your website organically rather than by clicking on an ad. This is ultimately what drives the growth of a brand.

Content must be meaningful

The higher the concentration of a keyword in your content, the more visible your website will be. However, an article that makes no sense but is packed with keywords will not give you the results you need. It could actually be more harmful than helpful. Keywords stuffing can lead to your website being blacklisted by search engines. The people who do read the content will not get any value from it and hence will not be likely to read other content on your website. Thus, when you assess SEO content make sure it not only contains relevant keywords in the right density, it also makes sense and provides information that your audience will value.

Nothing can ever be guaranteed

SEO friendly content should improve your website’s visibility but there is no guarantee your website will suddenly start appearing on the first page of a search result. If an agency offers such guarantees, you can safely strike them off your list of candidates. Search engines are constantly reworking their algorithms and hence keywords alone may not be enough. An agency that offers guaranteed results may be using dangerous links or indulging in other nefarious activities. Trust an agency that gives you an honest, realistic vision of how SEO can help your business.

Link and content are equally important

When you talk of SEO services in India, the focus is usually on content. Content is key but alone, it will have a limited effect. The technical aspects of things like links are as important as the type of content being published. If too many links are broken or lead to incorrect pages, your reader is likely to be frustrated and turn elsewhere. Correcting this is an important part of technical SEO. Your links should work and external links if any should direct the reader to trustworthy sites.

Read Also – Complete List of Best Free SEO Tools for Your Website

SEO takes time

Lastly, you should know that it takes time for the effects of good SEO to become apparent. You can’t expect an agency to show results within a month – you have to give it at least 3-6 months. At the end of that time, you should see an increase in the number of organic visitors to your website as well as conversions.

In conclusion

While there are many aspects of marketing that you can handle in-house, SEO requires a specialized skill set and is best out sourced to an expert. Along with having the right experience and recommendations, when you look for an agency to offer SEO services in India, you should have a good rapport with them and be able to trust them. After all, the work they do today will show results after a few months and it’s hard to test the efficacy of their methods in the meantime. Also, you should ideally not have to switch between SEO agencies often and hence your team and theirs needs to be on the same page. So, are you ready to optimize your website?
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