Content Writing 101

A complete guide to content writing neophytes to the benefits and advantages it offers.

How Content Writing Works.

Content writing is the core of modern digital marketing. Content is what gives company websites and social media platforms substance. It drives the message you want to send to your potential customers and engages your target audience so that they keep coming back to your website. Content writing encompasses everything from web content, social media posts, website blogs, articles, press releases, infographic content and much much more. Basically, everything you read on the internet is content, and the art of using this content to attract your audience and create a sense of urgency in them to avail your service and compel them to buy your products.

Benefits of Content Writing

To all hopefuls who heard of content writing and thought it was an interesting enough gig to make some cold hard cash or increase your company’s revenue stream, this here is a brief summary of all benefits you can get either from moonlighting as a content writer or hiring one for your website. Because this is something that you can get a good knack of if you are a regular netizen. All you need to have is a general passion for writing and an eye for creativity and originality.

For Companies…

1.   Search Engine Optimization to Boost your Rankings:

Search Engine Optimization or for short, SEO is a tale as old as time itself,  or at least as old as digital marketing and search engines. Whenever anyone types in a query or is looking for a product or service, Google and other search engines list those websites on its first page which generate large amounts of traffic or are search engine optimized. If your website has been built on solid SEO foundations you can guarantee that it will show up as the first result on a search result page. This will drive up your traffic and attract audiences because research shows that 75% of netizens do not go past the first page of their search engine results. A website is SEO if it incorporates highly searched keywords in its web content or if your website is cited by many other websites as a reliable source of information. If you aim to rely on your website for an increase in business then you can’t go wrong with SEO.

2.   Brand Voice and Image.

Content writing helps companies make their brand image and choose their public tone. Each company tells a different story with a different tone. This helps in retaining customers who know what your business is about and what their image is like. The keyword of “content writing for beginners” is consistency! If the content you publish is inconsistent with the tone they use and the image they show then it becomes difficult to retain your customers. So, the bottom line is that content writing is super important for your brand image.

3.   Revitalize Your Sales!

Every website has one goal no matter what type of business it represents, to increase conversions of users into customers. A user turns into a customer when it becomes intrigued by the content you have written for your website and it straight up convinces them to buy your product or avail your service. This level of persuasion is the mark of good content writing. You can use this to increase your customer base and revitalize your sales. The boost you’ll get will surely result in a hefty profit.

4.   Keep Posting to Stay Relevant!

This is one of the challenges of staying relevant as a viable company in a market or industry where every now and then another startup pops up. To stay ahead of your competition you’d need to keep posting content regularly because you don’t want your customers to get bored of you and find another toy to play with. Fresh content allows you to stick in their minds and invigorates their interest in your company. Regularly posting content is constant effort and you’ll always benefit from retaining a large base of customers if the content you write is compelling.

For Freelancers

1.   An Additional Skill!

This is a simple no-brainer! If you have a strong command on your comprehension skills, and you have spent a butt load of time on the internet, you can bet that you will be able to master content writing given enough time and effort. It is all about looking and observing the current trends and being a talented wordsmith to write in a compelling and engaging way to focus the attention of your readers towards yourself. Also, the field of digital marketing is vast and diverse. It comes up no matter which type of industry you belong to. Eventually, everyone needs to market their business and when that time comes, you’ll be up to the task because of your additional skill.

2.   Make a Quick Buck!

If you’re good at something, never do it for free! We’ve all seen this line from the famous movie but the reason why it is so memorable is because it is outstandingly true. The origin of business itself started with someone who was good at something and thought of selling his skill to the next person he saw. The same case is here as well. When you have the ability to write good content, you should monetize that skill. The freelance market has gained more and more prominence these days due to the COVID 19 pandemic. When the entire world shifted online people began to realize the true effects of content writing in digital marketing as everyone was on the internet staying at home. Content writing can become quite lucrative as well when done right. So if you want a side hustle that can pay the bills, you cannot go wrong with content writing

To learn more about content writing and its significance in digital marketing, click here to learn more.

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