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How to Install MongoDB on CentOS 7

MongoDB is a NoSQL database intended for storing large amounts of data in document-oriented storage with dynamic schemas. NoSQL refers to a database with a data model other than the tabular format used in relational databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL. MongoDB features include: full index support, replication, high availability, and auto-sharding.

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Step #1: Add the MongoDB Repository

For a refresher on editing files with vim see: New User Tutorial: Overview of the Vim Text Editor

vim /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo

Option A: If you are running a 64-bit system, add the following information to the file you’ve created, using i to insert:

name=MongoDB Repository

Then exit and save the file with the command :wq . You should see an output very similar to the following image:

Option B: If you are running a 32-bit system, add the following information to the file you’ve created, using i to insert:

name=MongoDB Repository

Then exit and save the file with the command :wq .

Step #2: Install MongoDB

As a matter of best practice we’ll update our packages:

yum -y update

At this point, installing MongoDB is as simple as running just one command:

yum -y install mongodb-org mongodb-org-server

Step #3: Get MongoDB Running

Start-Up MongoDB

systemctl start mongod

Check MongoDB Service Status

systemctl status mongod

Summary List of Status Statistics (Continuous)


Summary List of Status Statistics (5 Rows, Summarized Every 2 Seconds)

mongostat --rowcount 5 2

Enter the MongoDB Command Line


By default, running this command will look for a MongoDB server listening on port 27017 on the localhost interface.

If you’d like to connect to a MongoDB server running on a different port, then use the –port option. For example, if you wanted to connect to a local MongoDB server listening on port 22222, then you’d issue the following command:

mongo --port 22222

Shutdown MongoDB

systemctl stop mongod

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