How To Be A Blogger (5 Questions To Ask Yourself To Become A Blogger)

Are you an avid internet user searching through the sea of information everyday in fact every minute? Then you must have came across a blog (or blogs) to know something maybe about making noodles, unlocking some software or impressing a girl right? Have you ever thought about who writes all this stuff and for what reason? These are simple people, like me and you, who loves to follow their passion and help people with their useful piece of advice (Spammers! Get a life)

Yes! Really they are common people having some kind of hobby and just share what they know with others. If they can do this activity so convincingly then why don’t you and even when you have a passion (I guess) of something interesting right? Blogging is just as easy as having a chat with your gang or discussing a problem with anybody around you and all you need to do is just be honest and you are done.

How Much Do Bloggers Make?

But! In this tough economy and busiest life, who have time to follow his/her passion that gives nothing but few moments of pleasure and inner peace (That’s what most of us think). But if I say that this activity can literally pay you off for what you’d put into this in term of cash, money, wealth whatever you call this. Blogging is not a new thing now a days and bloggers are emerging from every corner of the world. Then the question arises that how much could you earn by blogging about your favorite topic?

According to Indeed.Com’s graph, the minimum amount a blogger can make starts from $20,000/- per year which is around $1,666/- per month as of 2014 survey. An average blogger makes between $20,000/- to $51,000/- per year that is around $1,666/- to $4250/- per month. So! Isn’t it interesting to earn plenty of money by following your passion right?

How Do I Know That I Can Be A Blogger?

“Err! Actually I’m very much inspired with this blogging stuff but I don’t know whether I could be a blogger or not so what should I do now?”

This is the question you may be asking (or have asked) yourself after reading the upper paragraphs of this post but that’s totally natural and I hear it a lot from those of my friends that are thinking to start a blog (or have started one recently). So to test yourself to know whether or not you could be a blogger just ask these few questions, honestly, to yourself and you’d get to know whether you could run a blog or not:

  • Do you have a hobby or an interesting activity?
  • Do you know too much about that particular hobby/activity?
  • Do you love giving your advice to people in your circle?
  • Do you convince people when speaking about something?
  • Do people appreciate what you say to them on a particular topic?

If you answered ‘YES’ for all these questions then kudos, you could be a blogger so let’s move on to next phase of this article where we’d learn how to start a blog of your own and start building relationship with your readers and, of course, a handful of cash with it.

Let’s Start A Blog:

So now after when you have made your mind to become a blogger then here are simplest steps to get you through the process and publish your first post on your, own, blog:

Choosing Blogging Platform:

The first thing to start anything is to decide a starting point from where you execute your plan and take next step. When going to start a blog, it is very important to select a blogging platform as there are plenty of platforms that may confuse you. If you just want to know that how things work and play with words, and Google, then I suggest you to go with a simple free blog that is either hosted by Google’s Blogger CMS or which allows you to start a free blog with a sub-domain at the end of your blog’s address like this


But the downside of a free blog is that you may not display ads alongside your content (In or may not have as much functionality as you could if you go with a self hosted blog that requires you to purchase a good domain name and hosting from a reputed company. So it is better to go with a self hosted blog if you want to step in like a professional and want more functions on your blog.

NOTE: You can start a self hosted blog on any CMS (Ex: Blogger, WordPress etc)

Choosing Your Topic/Niche:

After deciding the platform, it is essential to choose your niche that would shape your blog and its community. Sit down for a while and think of a good topic that interests you as well as millions of other people. Like if you love traveling places then you could start a traveling blog or if you are good at coding then why not start a blog on web developing then?

Just come up with a perfect topic that is in demand and attracts you either so that you may not feel bored in the half way once started. It’s just about answering people’s question that you know better than others and that’s it.

Blog Writing Tips:

So after deciding a perfect topic and choosing your hosting company (if you want a premium blog) the next and I guess last step is to talk about how you would write off each and every article on your blog. As you know that blogs are online and we use search engines to search a particular thing on a blog so there are few things that should be observed while writing and publishing your blog posts that are mentioned below:

Choose Right Titles:

When deciding the title of your blog posts, it is necessary to think of a unique but commonly used title that a typical user types in the search bar so when anyone make a search with those relevant words, your blog post automatically shows up in the results. For instance, if you are writing for baking cupcakes then consider this title ‘How to Make Cupcakes in Few Minutes’ rather than ‘Cupcakes Recipe’ and see yourself the difference from a user’s point of view.

Make Relevant Permalinks:

Permalinks are the address that we could see in the search bar like this article has (See up in the search bar) that helps search engines to know the location of content and deliver it in front of the user when he/she searches for the relevant things. So keep it simple but relevant to your title and keyword for search engines to show your content in SERPs.

Example: rather than this one

Use Relevant Keywords:

It is very important, when writing online, that you use some commonly used keywords/words or maybe phrases that people generally use in a search. So always select relevant and most commonly used keywords and write them in the post couple of times like two to three times in the start and at the end of blog post. Don’t keep writing on the same word and use a synonym you think it is written for so many times in that particular post.

Add Media In The Blog Post:

No one loves reading that writing material that is dull and seems like a school book full of words with fainting black or blue font color. So add some media in your blog post that gives the idea about what they are going to read and insert, at least, 1 photo alongside the starting paragraph. Or possibly, use a short video of yours describing the process same like you described in written form or find some good and relevant video to place in the post.

Write For People Not For Search Engines:

Even after taking care of search engines and abiding by all the basic rules, described above, you should keep one thing in mind that the content you write is not going to be read by Google, Bing or Yahoo but a human being like you and me. So try to write for people and don’t ever write to get some high rankings in search results only and just to attract people for few clicks and make some pennies. This is dishonesty and like real world, no one likes to stay with a dishonest person.

Do comment to share your ideas about blogging and help better understand this blogging concept to your fellow readers through the comment section below.

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