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Grab a free Econsultancy report by completing our APAC mobile marketing survey

Do you want to find out how the mobile marketing industry is developing in Asia Pacific?

Are you curious about how brands and marketers are approaching the massive opportunities and challenges presented by mobile, and which channels and strategies are gaining the most investment?

Then complete the Econsultancy/MMA State of Mobile Marketing in Asia Pacific survey, and in return you’ll receive a free copy of the report in advance of the official publication.

Please pick the survey according to where you are based:

The survey is relevant for both client-side marketers (including brands and retailers) and supply-side marketers (agencies, consultants, technology vendors), and takes around five minutes to complete.

As mentioned, those taking part in the survey receive a free copy of the final report in advance of its official publication, which equates to a saving of £450 (€550/$695).

This study is being carried out by Econsultancy in association with the Mobile Marketing Association Asia Pacific.

It will give insights into the types of mobile technology currently being utilised by brands in Asia Pacific, as well as the channels being implemented (e.g. mobile search, email, QR codes, etc.)

The report will also give an insight into the mobile technologies that brands plan to use in the future.

So next time you settle down for quick break with a cup of coffee, click the relevant link and earn yourself a free Econsultancy report by answering our short, confidential survey.

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