Previously, employees used to work on the devices issued by the company that was entirely encrypted by strict set of guidelines that limited the usage of the device. But now things have changed completely and employees want more flexible ways to work and this have led to the adoption of BYOD approach. With the growth in latest gadgets and devices, employees wanted to make use of the latest models that could enable them to work more efficiently.

Challenges of BYOD
BYOD has its own advantages to offer such as company don’t have to pay for the equipment or its maintenance, while the work is done from a more cutting-edge device. Although BYOD is the new trend to improve employee productivity, organization need to take a look on the other side linked with this. Security is one of the major issue related to BYOD and this crucial aspect is often overlooked. Devices catered by companies are end-to-end encrypted but personal devices might just lack this level of security which may put business data at risk.

By using personal devices for business work, organizations gain access to sensitive business data as well as get an opportunity to manage their personal data on the same device. This is more likely to create security gaps if the employees fails to follow security guidelines. Lack of compliance is another security flaw and as organizations hold sensitive customer data and information, they need to ensure that they abide the set of regulations implied. Finally, BYOD brings about the threat of redundancy as the devices might not be the sophisticated types as the company expects them to be for better functionality. Employees make use of tools and software version that is compatible with their device for accessing company data. This may result in severe issues as a particular set of data might not work on the other device.

Cloud services can help
Cloud-based solutions can help address the challenges related with the adoption of BYOD. Firstly, it would be to move the overall processes and data on the cloud and moreover, organization can also add cloud hosting solutions to ensure uniformity across devices and data accessing approaches. Using cloud solutions means keeping all your data and applications on the internet so employees can access the data whenever required.

Moreover, if a device stolen its detection will be much easier as organizations will be able to stop unrecognized login access to that particular devices. Although this strategy is still in its initial stage, it is likely to evolve and provide better security and assure compliance. In addition, along with cloud solutions organizations can consider including more targeted solutions for the success of BYOD implementation and this majorly counts in applying robust security measures such as using DNS firewall.

BYOD adoption has a huge scope for businesses, but organizations need to ensure that they apply ideal security measures to keep the environment secure and to avoid roadblocks.

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