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Auto-Correction For PC

Do you have a smart phone? If you do you’ve already been introduced to the Auto-correct service. It is of a great benefit to all whom require fast typing and minimizing their spelling mistakes.

But have you ever thought of such a software on your PC?

Well everything is possible now and thanks to ” SumitSoft” Typing assistant is there to aid you in a lot of circumstances.

Typing Assistant is a new generation of word prediction software. It predicts and auto-completes your frequently used words and phrases anywhere. This makes typing faster, more intelligent and reduces effort.



Well I damm sure people would love this amazing software. It’s a unique app which saves time and effort and enables you to gain access to many features which you wouldn’t be able to access without it.  It very useful for people who find it hard to type. It very similar to smartphones auto-correction mechanism.



To begin with, Typing assistant provides a huge set of other options which would save time and effort and assist you in writing long articles

These are the main cutting edge features of Typing Assistant :

  •  Auto-suggest

The Auto suggest feature completes the word for you if you’re on a hurry or unable to complete the word due to its hard spelling. For instance you are attempting to write the word Sophisticated, but you are not sure of the spelling. So you write the letters “Sophist” and the software shows a suggestion for you to complete it with Sophisticated, predicting words on the basis of frequency and recent use.


  • Auto-correct

As for the well-known Auto correct feature, like on any smartphone if you misspelled, the software automatically corrects it for you.


  •  Auto- expand

Another extremely beneficial feature in this software is the Auto- Expand feature. In a situation where you are a business man and you’re on a hurry, every second does count. This software does understand the client’s precious time and has a unique feature that automatically expands abbreviations. For example. You have written (BRB) which stands for be right back. When you type (BRB) the software automatically expands it to be right back.


  •     Auto- Clipboard

The software doesn’t stop there, another feature is the Auto Clip board. This feature enables you to access your clip board history in which you copied items and choose which to paste. This feature is extremely beneficial if you want to re paste an item which you recently pasted without having to go copy it again.


  • Auto launch

Last but not least, another amazing feature this software has introduced is the Auto launch. Using certain hot keys of your choice, you’re able to launch your preferred software on your PC to reduce time taken to launch any application


Well, everything ain’t totally free. SumitSoft provides 45-days time period to check out their app. You can upgrade the app whenever you


If there are any more, the company is more than willing to deal with situations and technical issues if you mail them at technical@sumitsoft.com.


Installing is the simplest part.

  1. Go to the official page – SUMITSOFT
  2. Click “Installed Version”
  3. Once the download complete open it and install it.
  4. And start using



On my personal view, I believe this software is essential for a huge part of the community and basically targets business men to save their time. I have encountered absolutely no bugs using it all and I could not imagine it any how better than what is currently are but I do believe that the creators of this amazing software will continue to astonish us with more updates soon.

The post Auto-Correction For PC appeared first on Le Geeks.

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