
Are You In Or Out? Internal vs. External Motivation Battle

Every time I wake up in the morning, dragging myself out of bed, I always ask myself this queer question:  Am I happy? Am I motivated? It tortures my braincells slowly each time it happens because I consider happiness and motivation as having an affair.

It’s like one of Newton’s Laws of Motion (sounds overused…) that says to every action (force applied) there is an equal and opposite reaction (equal force applied in the opposite direction).

Get the picture?

Motivation is the power that comes from within that pushes you to take action towards to achieving your goal. Simultaneously powered by desire and ambition, and therefore, if these are absent, motivation has no effect.

But, then again, motivation is basically divided into two parts, which might lead to ask how internal vs. external motivation differs?

Motivation in Two Parts


Motivation  can be either external (extrinsic) and internal (intrinsic).

External motivation – the driving force that triggers you in achieving your goal.

Such as:

Internal motivation – the force that leads you to achieve a goal because of personal satisfaction or desire

Examples are:

Trophies, medals, money, discounts, grades, entrance to programs or schools, new clothes and losing weight are all examples of extrinsic motivators. These are used to motivate individuals to pursue their goals.

Here are some more examples of external motivation:

These are examples of internal motivation:

Intrinsically motivated, you are able to feel some enjoyment and personal satisfaction and develop the skill and competency that you want. It’s a personal accomplishment. It is not about getting something in return.

Ways To Get Motivated Externally

Ways To Get Motivated Internally

How Do You Hold on to Your Motivation?


Holding on to your motivation is a little bit exhausting. We need to find ways to overcome it. Try some of these.

To Cap Off

Motivation, may it be internal or external, the difference can greatly affect one’s personal behavior and character. It helps us validate who we are and who we wish to be by moving towards attaining a certain goal. It only depends basically on the person’s preference.

In what motivation side are you? Intrinsic? or Extrinsic? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

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