Thinking about getting a breast lift? Here are eight facts about the operation to assist you make your decision.

1. A breast lift is the only way to fix sagging breasts

If your breasts have started to droop, you may have tried a variety of treatments, including workouts, lotions, and skin-tightening devices. Unfortunately, they will only result in tiny improvements. Breasts are constituted of fatty tissue, thus working on the pectoral muscles beneath them will have little effect on the breast tissue. A breast lift (also known as a mastopexy) is a safe and efficient procedure to restore breasts to their youthful appearance.

2. A breast lift won’t increase the size of your breasts

While a breast lift will improve the contour of your breasts and eliminate upper-pole flatness, it will not increase their size. If you believe you may want to change the size of your breasts, a lift can be paired with breast implants or fat transfer. Looking at your breasts in a bra is an excellent approach to figuring out what you want. Are you satisfied with the size? If the response is yes, only a lift is required. If the answer is no, your plastic surgeon will need to add more volume using implants or fat transfer.

3. A breast lift won’t decrease the size of your breasts

A breast lift will not make your breasts bigger or smaller! A mastopexy is performed just to reshape and realign the breast tissue and remove any extra skin; it does not involve the removal of breast tissue. If you want smaller breasts, you can combine a breast lift and reduction. For women with large breasts, a reduction can make them less likely to droop in the future, extending the benefits of a breast lift.

4. A breast lift will leave some scarring

There are three accepted ways of doing a breast uplift, and the approach used by your surgeon will be determined by the level of your sagging, breast size, and nipple location. Scars for light sagging will be inserted around the areola and, if necessary, vertically down the breast (lollipop-shaped). Moderately sagging breasts necessitate a modest expansion of the lollipop incision into the fold beneath the breast. When there is more significant sagging, the incision beneath the breasts will be longer, forming an anchor shape. Ultimately, however, all scars are concealed as much as possible and will ultimately fade away to become barely visible.

5. You’ll need to take a little downtime

If you merely have an uplift (no implants), healing is quite fast. This is because the operation only touches fatty tissue and skin, not muscle, making it less invasive and uncomfortable. You can be up and walking around within a few hours of surgery. Soreness, nerve pain, and inflammation are well controlled with pain medication; nonetheless, you must avoid activity and hard lifting for four weeks following surgery. If you have a young child who requires lifting, you should have some support at home.

6. You’ll need to quit smoking before a breast uplift

If you’re a smoker (or vaper), you’ll need to ask yourself if you’re prepared to stop smoking for at least six weeks (preferably longer). Your surgeon will ask you to avoid nicotine for three weeks before surgery and three weeks post-surgery. It’s especially important for breast uplift surgery because the skin is detached to be lifted and tightened. During this process, normal blood flow is restricted so the remaining blood flow must be sufficiently oxygenated, otherwise, there’s a greater risk of skin, fat, and nipple necrosis.

7. It won’t affect your ability to breastfeed in the future

Breast uplifts rarely interfere with a woman’s ability to breastfeed. A competent surgeon can reduce the amount of nerve damage incurred. This is significant because nerves stimulate the release of prolactin and oxytocin, two chemicals that regulate milk production and letdown. It is best to wait at least 18 months after getting a breast lift before becoming pregnant to allow your nerves to heal and full sensation to return.

8. Your overall silhouette can be improved with a breast lift

Returning the breasts to their proper place on the chest can radically improve your appearance, making you look smaller and more proportionate. However, you may have acquired fat below or above your bra, which can detract from your newly shaped breasts. We frequently conduct simultaneous liposuction in the surrounding areas to provide a better aesthetic effect.

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