Social media is a useful method for any person out there to to take the marketing up a notch. Twitter is one option if you’d like to do this but sometimes it can get a bit complicated trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Recently, Twitter released Twitter Analytics to help us with that little problem.
It’s got some basic functions and tools but there are also others that can be used to examine the performance of a Twitter account. These websites can do a lot of things such as provide you with a score, generate graphs, and much more.
Have a look at 5 of these useful tools that you can utilize to help you scrutinize and examine the performance of your Twitter account.
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1. Twitter Counter
Twitter counter is one site that requires you to tie your Twitter account to their app but don’t worry as it’s safe to do so. Some of the freetools that make it different from Twitter Analytics are the Twitter Widget that informs you who visits your blog or site as well as Profile Checker that allows you to check and diagnose your Twitter account and gives some helpful tips to become more successful on the Twitter’s network.
There’s also the Top 100 Twitter Users feature which shows you the list of top 100 Twitter users based on either their number of tweets, followers or people who follow them. The Twitter Counter API allows a person to retrieve each and every piece of information Twitter Counter knows about a certain username.
The browser plugin has a variety of features such as Recommendations, Performance Overviews, Average Interactions and other things that can assist you with your marketing. It is available for Chrome, Safari and Mozilla Firefox. If you’re keen on upgrading those features and don’t mind spending a bit of money, Pro Stats provides a way to optimize your strategy with professional statistics for your Twitter account and of course, there are other things that you can buy as well such as Get Twitter Followers and Buy Stats. [Visit site]
2. PeerIndex
PeerIndex provides social media analytics including something called the “Topic Fingerprint” which is a unique feature. It is a graph that illustrates what kinds of topics you have tweeted about. Users also attain a PeerIndex rank which is based on three components that are Authority, Audience and Activity.
PeerIndex offers Trend Alerts and Track Communities which provides insight into what’s trending and helps you get more insight about your audience. You can also Discover Content and see what’s popular and what’s being shared within the Twitter community.
Another feature of PeerIndex is Search Influencers which permits you to search for influencers within communities or across Twitter. Track Lists helps you track those you want to keep track off, such as your competition, while the Reporting & Analysis feature can help you monitor, measure and compare your performance against that competitor.
Not all of the services are free but there are different membership plans that you can choose from. You don’t need to tie your Twitter account to PeerIndex to see the statistics either which makes it great if you rather not get busy with applications. [Visit site]
3. Tweetails
Tweetails is a free service provided by MEMSET. It is a great tool for Twitter users to calculate statistics from their tweets or anyone else’s tweets. It lets you find out the most mentioned users by your Twitter account, your most favorite words, gives you intelligence ratings and etc.
The statistics calculated by Tweetails for a Twitter account are based on various factors, one of them being the most recent 1,000 tweets posted by the account, which is then analyzed. The Intelligence rating of a user is calculated on the basis of factors such as unique content on a user’s feed, vocabulary diversity, and syllables per words among other things.
Tweetails markets itself as an intelligent tool, which eliminates 1,000 most common English words while calculating your most favorite words. Tweetails works much better with accounts where tweets are written in English. Since it’s an app, you are required to connect it with your Twitter account in order to use it. [Visit site]
4. Twitter Analytics
As mentioned, Twitter has recently launched their own way of being able to analyze your Twitter account. It’s not just available specifically for businesses but for basically anyone with a Twitter account.
The site is divided accordingly into 3 different categories: Tweets, Followers and Twitter Cards. Clicking on the tab marked Tweets provides you with a summary of your tweets and details like the impressions whereas clicking on Followers give you more in-depth details about your followers/audience. Twitter Cards lets you attach rich media experiences to Tweets about your content but this can only occur after the approval process. [Visit site]
5. twitonomy
Twitonomy is a very useful analytics tool for getting details and visual analytics about a Twitter account. It permits you to get insight on the people you follow and those who follow you. It also allows you to monitor tweets and keywords searched from your favorite users.
You can even export search analytics on any keyword, @users, URL or hashtags and even track your Twitter’s account followers growth and the number of clicks on the links tweeted by your Twitter account. This helps you determine what direction to take in your tweets. [Visit site]
These are just some of the tools that can provide you with the information that you need to help develop the strategy of your Twitter account. All it takes is for you to decide what works for you and what doesn’t and that will help pave the way for you to really make full use of Twitter and its marketing applications.
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